Booking appointments at MSO Physio is very simple. The clinic has a dedicated administration team who are hear to help. Our main clinic administrator is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm and can answer all of your questions about appointments and charges. Outside of these time please leave a message or email us and we will get back to you as soon as practically possible.
Alternatively you can use our online booking platform for appointments.
MSO Physio operates with all of the major insurance companies. Insurance companies often require a referral from your GP or consultant to authorise treatment so do make sure that you speak to your insurer prior to attending for physiotherapy. MSO Physio will directly bill your insurer.
If you have an excess to pay, you may wish to pay this up front to avoid us chasing you unnecessarily further down the line. Sorry, but sports massage therapy and personal training are not covered by most insurance companies but 1-2-1 Pilates that is conducted as part of treatment for a current injury can be. Once the injury is resolved you are welcome to carry on with Pilates but this then becomes self-funded.
If you're ready to book your appointment click below, if you have any questions you'd like to ask before booking please contact us by phone on 0208 254 2150 or email us at and we'll be in touch with you asap.
We accept payment from major insurers, if your insurance company isn't shown below please contact us to discuss options, we may still be able to help!

Use one of the methods below or the contact form & we'll get back to you asap
020 8254 2150
Rosehill Park, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3HH
Woking SportsBox, Egley Road Woking, Surrey, GU22 0AF.