Our Re-Opening Plan – IMPORTANT INFORMATION – please take time to read
1. Deep Cleaning, Redecorating and Social Distancing
The clinic has been deep cleaned and decorated. You will also notice new signage for social distancing and a new perspex screen for the reception desk. There are less chairs in the reception area and we ask people to remain in their car until the exact time of their appointment to avoid having too many people in reception at any one time.
Sutton Sports Village has put a one-way system in place. There are no toilet facilities upstairs, so please use these before you arrive as possible. If it is your first appointment, we will ensure you understand how to move around the building. Our patients will access the building as normal via the main entrance, but you may have to leave by a different route.
2. Clinic Hygiene
All equipment and hard surfaces will be wiped down after use and we are now allowing 15 minutes after each appointment for this purpose. If you would like to bring your own towel for comfort on the couches then please do, as we have removed the fabric couch covers and will be using more paper towel than ever.
All equipment used during treatment will be quarantined until it is cleaned and then returned back into use as appropriate.
Air purifiers are now in use throughout the clinic, filtering out bacteria and virus particles down to 0.3 microns, the size of a typical Coronavirus. There is no evidence that these work specifically for COVID19 as it is such a new virus, but the air will certainly be alot cleaner.
3. Staff and Patient Hygiene (PPE)
We will be using face masks and aprons for all patients contacts. If you would like us to wear gloves also then please ask, but as we will be washing and sanitising our hands regularly before, during and after treatments then gloves can prove difficult.
We are asking all patients to wear a face mask or covering for the duration of their treatment. This is now mandatory in shops and supermarkets and as we will be in close proximity with you for more than 15 minutes, we ask that you do this too. If you do not have a face mask, we can sell you one at cost price and any money from this will be donated to the Parkinson’s UK Charity.
There are new hand sanitising stations in the clinic and we ask that you wash your hands when you arrive and leave the clinic. Please also continue to follow good couch/sneeze etiquette whilst at the clinic.
4. Screening and Consent for COVID19
Our governing bodies have asked us to obtain specific consent for performing face-to-face treatments and we will send you the appropriate forms prior to your appointment.
It is off great important that you complete, sign and return these on the day of your appointment. You will be refused treatment and re-booked if we do not have these on your record.
As part of this we will ask you about symptoms of COVID19 and run through some simple questions about any potential risk factors. The consent forms also cover the NHS test and trace system and we are required to share your data if required. Please note that you will need to complete one for every face-to-face treatment session that you attend.
5. Justification for Face-to-Face Treatment
Our governing bodies have also recommended that we justify all face-to-face treatments so please do not be offended if we recommend that you are seen remotely. Your therapist will go through the justification process with you and come to a decision jointly with you regarding face-to-face vs remote physiotherapy.
6. Appointment Bookings
Please be aware that no drop-in appointments will be available so please either ring or email the clinic to arrange your session. Once in treatment your therapist will arrange future appointments with you.
We will be operating a one-in/one-out system and if there are multiple therapists working, staggering appointment times to minimise the amount of people in the clinic at any one time. Please be patient if we need to move your appointment by a few minutes, this will be to maintain social distancing within the clinic.
7. Communication
Where able we will be sending all forms via email and ask you to do the same. If this is not possible we will keep some hard copies at the clinic and wipe down any pen or clipboard that is used before and after use.
It is of great importance therefore that we have up to date contact details for you. Also please add MSO Physio to your email safe list and I would urge you to consent positively for our contact permissions on our registration form, this can always be removed again in the future if you wish.
8. Invoicing and Payment
We will be avoiding the use of cash in the clinic. We can generate electronic invoices as required for easy online payments. We would ask you to pay by card or by BACS where possible.
Further Information
For more information on how you can take action to protect yourself and others, you can visit the NHS and GOV.UK website by clicking on the links below.
We accept payment from major insurers, if your insurance company isn't shown below please contact us to discuss options, we may still be able to help!

Use one of the methods below or the contact form & we'll get back to you asap
020 8254 2150
Rosehill Park, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3HH
Woking SportsBox, Egley Road Woking, Surrey, GU22 0AF.